Meet My Dogs

Hi friends!

For those of you who don’t know me, let me introduce myself. My name is Natalee and I am a crazy dog mama. I have two adorable dogs with my boyfriend Justin. We are ‘those people’ who treat their dogs like their children, and I truly believe that’s how all dogs (or any pet) should be treated! We don’t have (human) children of our own yet, but one day when we do, I know nothing will change with our dogs. They will still be our babies just as much as our human ones! Anyways, before I start using our dogs names in blog posts here and there, I figured I would introduce them to you and give you a little background story on them.


This is our sweet little girl Millicent, Milli for short. She was our first dog together, so she holds a very special place in our hearts. We adopted Milli almost four years ago when she was two years old through a local rescue organization. Because Millicent was rescued, we are unsure of her breed. She is definitely a mixed breed, but we really have no clue what. My best guess would be that she is a few different breeds of terrier. When we adopted Milli, we knew the rescue organization was hosting an event at PetSmart, so we went just to take a look, not at all expecting to take home a dog. We were definitely open to it, we just didn’t think we would have good luck going to our first event like this. When we got to the event, there were so many darling dogs running around, connecting with their potential new owners. It looked to us like all of the dogs were taken, and we were too late to play with any of them, but we were wrong. Underneath a folding chair in the corner, was a small blonde dog with big, brown, sad eyes, trying to hide from the crowd. I looked at Justin and said “I need to hold her!”.

I went up the the lady who was the founder of the organization, and asked if I could see the little dog under the chair. She answered by telling me that I would have to ask her father who was sitting in the chair above the dog, because that is his favorite dog in the bunch. She went on to tell me that he loves that dog and was thinking about keeping her himself. I walked up to her father and asked if I could hold her, and he agreed. We took her around the store on a leash to get to know her. I fell in love instantly, and I knew she had to be mine. Once we decided that she needed to come home with us, I had to work up the courage to ask this old man if I could take her home. To my surprise, he told us we looked like a nice couple and that he would be happy to let us adopt her.

When you adopt a dog, you never really know how they will react to a new environment. Most of these dogs were abused and left behind, and could be scared to trust you. We are not exactly sure about Milli’s life before being rescued. All we were told is that she was found in Texas, tied around a tree in a park. Does that not break your heart? I will NEVER understand animal abuse.. It is just sickening and heart wrenching. We have no idea why, or how long she was left there, but it makes me so sad to picture that. Despite what we know about her life before the rescue, she has been the sweetest, most wonderful dog. Everyone who meets her tells us that we got lucky, and I couldn’t agree more.


Milli’s favorite thing to do is sleep. Some mornings we can barely get her out of bed to go to the bathroom before we leave for work! Even though she loves to sleep, she also loves her walks. If she hears the word walk she goes nuts, it’s adorable! Milli has two different personalities a lot of the time. Half of her loves to show her affection when people walk in the door, and occasionally she will snuggle up with us, but the other half of her wants to be alone laying down in her bed.

We had Milli for almost three years when we decided to get her a little fur brother. She was so used to being around Justin’s parents dog, so when we moved into our own house you could tell she was sad to be home alone all day.


So this is Milli’s brother, our little guy Marvin! Marvin is a Morkie Poo (Maltese, Yorkie, Poodle) but really he just looks like a Yorkie puppy. As soon as we got our house we knew we wanted to get Milli a friend. We actually stumbled across Marvin on a FaceBook post from a breeder about an hour away from us. There were two puppies for sale, a boy and a girl. We really wanted a boy, but I was open to getting the girl if I felt a stronger connection with her. When I went to go and see the puppies, Marvin was soooo tiny and adorable I just could not resist taking him home. I knew in my heart he would be a perfect fit to our little family.

Bringing home Marvin was…interesting. I had never gotten a dog as a puppy before, so this was all a new experience for me. Puppies are no joke, they are a LOT of work! I had heard that Yorkies were really stubborn and hard to potty train, and that was exactly the case for Marvin. When were were at work I would leave out the little puppy training pads, and he would shred it to pieces and then pee on the rug underneath the dining room table!! He was such a stinker! It honestly was really frustrating trying to train him, and I was having a really hard time bonding with him because of it. Also he was a crazy little guy, I mean he still is lol, but we love it. As he has gotten older he has calmed down, is finally potty trained, and is super super loving and cuddly. Now he is my little buddy who follows me around every where, and I’m not mad about that, he’s so stinking cute! Don’t tell Justin, but he’s definitely a mama’s boy 😉


Marvin’s favorite thing to do is play with sister, and when she is annoyed with him and doesn’t want to play, he loves playing with his toys with mom and dad. This little guy can play fetch for hours! He has these tiny little green tennis balls he loves to run after down the hallway.

So like I said earlier, Milli LOVES going on walks, but funny enough Marvin HATES them! It is soooo strange guys… I don’t think I have ever met a dog who hates going on walks. He literally hides behind furniture when we say the word walk lol. I think the main reason is that he hates wearing a harness and hates the leash tugging on him. Sometimes he will have really good walks where he will make it all the way without stopping, and other days he literally stops 5 times in the middle of the road and just lays down. It’s always fun when I take both of them on my own and I end up carrying Marvin the rest of the way home.


It’s pretty much impossible to get them to stay still for a picture together. Anyways, those are my puppers! I have so so much love for the both of them (if you couldn’t tell). There really is no better feeling than coming home to these adorable little fluff balls who love us so unconditionally. I could go on and on about how much I adore them, but I’m sure you have lost interest by now lol. Let me know in the comments if you have any dogs, or any pets, I would love to hear about them 🙂

It’s a beautiful day to adopt a furry friend!





DIY Deck String Lights

Hi friends! 

How’s everyone’s summer going? The weather has been so nice here, so we have been spending a lot of time outside. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is sit outside on our back deck, have random life chats, and watch the dogs play.

We moved into our home over a year ago now, it’s so hard to believe it’s already been that long. One thing that really sold us on our home is the pretty good size back yard that is fenced in for our pups. That’s really the only thing we cared about when it came to the back yard. We know that the house we are in now will not be our forever home, so we don’t plan on doing much to the back yard, but I knew I wanted to add some sort of charm to it. 

The first thing I did was turn to Pinterest for some back yard inspiration. A lot of the pins that came up were people’s patios with gorgeous twinkling lights surrounding it. Instantly I decided that’s what I wanted.

We did this project about a month ago, so sadly I don’t have pictures of the supplies we bought before we assembled them. Thankfully it is really easy to explain, and I will list everything we bought and try to link most of the supplies. 

Before I explain how we did this.. here’s everything you will need.

  • 2×2’s-8 feet long (we used 5, this could vary depending on your area)
  • Stain (optional, but for reference I used the shade “Early American”
  • Sand Paper (optional)
  • Screws
  • Screw Hooks
  • String Lights

The string lights I linked up above are the exact ones that I purchase off of World Market. I knew I needed them to be at least 30 feet long so I ended up paying $50 for them. If you are not looking to spend as much, I did find a set on Amazon for $35 that I will link right here. Before you order lights, make sure to measure out the area where you want to hang lights, and make your best judgement on how long you think your lights should be. Also figure out how many poles you would like to have. I don’t suggest buying two sets of 10 or 15 ft lights and plugging them in the middle, I think that might look tacky and will probably break up the symmetry of the lights.

The first thing I did was sand down the 2x2s quickly. If you buy the most expensive wood you shouldn’t really have to do this, but we bought the cheaper material (roughly $1.50 a piece) and just sorted through the pile to find the good ones. If you have ever done this, you know what I mean lol. So anyways, since we bought the cheaper wood there were a lot of little splinters that I wanted to sand off before I started staining them.

Once I stained them and let them dry, we went ahead and measured out where we wanted our screw hooks to hang. I decided to go with gold hooks, I have always liked the look of gold over silver. We measured about an inch and a half down on each pole, and screwed them in.

After that, we chose where we wanted our 2×2 poles to get screwed into the deck railing. It’s up to you if you want to put your poles up on your deck on the inside of the railing, or off of your deck on the outside railing. You could even do it off of the ground and just screwed once onto your railing if you choose to do it on the outside. I liked the height the inside the railing gave it. From here, my boyfriend screwed in the poles right to the railing, and then put another screw underneath the deck, through the deck, and into the bottom of the pole. We went through the bottom because in order for our 2×2 to be straight, the bottom of the pole could not lay flat against the deck, because the railing stands out a couple of inches on the top. I hope that makes sense. Either way, just put in a couple screws where your pole will stand straight and feel sturdy.

Last but not least, we hung up our string lights, stapled the ends of the cord to the first and last poles, and plugged them into an extension cord that we ran from under our garage door.

I am absolutely in love with how this quick and easy DIY project turned out, and the best part is, we accomplished it all for around $65! If you find a cheaper pair of lights, or have a smaller space to decorate, you won’t even spend as much as we did.

If you are looking for a way to spruce up your backyard, you should definitely consider this simple DIY project! Let me know in the comments how you have added a personal touch to your front OR back yard, I would love to hear from you!! 🙂

It’s a beautiful day to DIY!






Copycat Starbucks Matcha Green Tea Latte


Hi friends!

Today I am going to explain to you how to make my absolute favorite Starbucks drink with just THREE ingredients!!

When It comes to caffeine, this girl can’t handle too much of it. I don’t know if it is because I have never been a coffee drinker so I just haven’t built up the tolerance for it, or if my stomach really just can’t handle it. Sadly I’m pretty sure it’s the second reason. It’s really unfortunate because I really do love the taste and especially the smell of fresh coffee. I tried to drink coffee during college when I would have a lot of homework to do and not a lot of time to get it done. It definitely gave me the energy I needed when writing those boring papers on topics I cared nothing about, but my stomach always paid for it after.

I was super bummed that I couldn’t have coffee to help get me through those long work/school days, so I started looking for alternatives. I knew I loved tea, but I usually just drank decaffeinated ones at night. Once I started drinking caffeinated ones on my busy mornings, my life changed lol. FINALLY I could get some energy without getting sick! Obviously the tea wasn’t as energizing but hey, it got me up and moving in the morning and that’s all that mattered. We all have those mornings where you know you need some caffeine in your blood or you might not get off of the couch. Sometimes caffeine is the simple key to a productive day, it’s the sad truth and you know it! Well, that and a good uplifting attitude about your day ahead (thank you self help books)!

Even if you don’t want to admit it, we all love a good Starbucks beverage. Maybe it’s the fancy cups or the impeccable photo of your drink for your instagram feed, or maybe it’s just the pleasant vibes the Starbucks lounge gives off. Either way, so many of us love to indulge in a drink from there every once in a while, or every week, or for some probably every day. But we all know that Starbucks can be pricey, especially for those who love to get it a few times a week. I don’t know about you but I definitely can’t afford to get Starbucks even a few times a week. If i did, it would be about $15 a week, and $60 a month! That’s just crazy if you think about how much people spend on fancy coffee. What if I told you that you could make some of the same drinks at home for way less money?

I have a few different favorite drinks from Starbucks, but my favorite one as of this year is the Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte. If you’re reading this and thinking, what the heck is matcha green tea? I thought the same thing a few months ago. Matcha and green tea actually are derived from the same plant. The main difference is that matcha comes in a powder form, and green tea usually comes in the form of tea bags. So basically matcha is green tea leaves ground into a fine powder.  Matcha definitely tastes different than your average green tea bag, it’s a much more creamy and rich flavor, but if you like green tea, you will most likely enjoy this drink. And for those of you who already know you love this drink, I will share with you how to make it today!

The thing about this drink is that, yes it is super easy to make, but you most likely won’t just have these ingredients sitting around at home. Well, you probably have milk, but probably not the other two ingredients! But if you really like this drink, it is definitely worth it to buy the ingredients and make this at home!


Here are the three ingredients you will need to make a matcha green tea latte:

  • 1 cup Milk (I use cow milk, but you can use almond, coconut, etc.)
  • 1-2 TSP Matcha Green Tea Powder
  • 1 TBSP Vanilla Syrup (the exact one Starbucks uses)
  • As much ice as you want

Okay so I lied I guess that’s technically four ingredients instead of 3! But who really counts ice as an ingredient lol.

My favorite way to mix my drink together is with my Nurti Ninja Pro Blender. The first time I made it, I tried mixing it with just a spoon and it did not work good at all. The powder was hard to break up that way and ended up being really chunky. If you don’t have a Ninja or a blender or some sort, or you don’t want to spend the money on one, there is another way to mix it. You can use a handheld milk frother, I have never used a frother before for this drink so I am not sure how well it works guys. But if you are looking to spend less money, it is worth a shot! I would imagine it would work just fine.

And that is it! Seriously guys, this is SO easy and so delicious!

Like I said, you probably won’t have these ingredients at home, and I had a hard time finding matcha powder in grocery stores near me. But that’s why I love Amazon. If you have a Prime membership like me, it will ship in two days! Plus you really can’t beat the price of the matcha I linked. I was worried because I was buying what seemed to be a cheaper bag, that the drink wouldn’t taste anything like Starbucks, but I was totally wrong. It truly is so yummy and delicious! The best part about this drink is that you can make it a pretty low calorie drink, depending on what type of milk you use. Mine usually ends up being around only 200 calories! Also, I really do believe that tea, green tea especially, makes you way more focused than coffee does, and you don’t get those crazy coffee jitters!

I hope you guys enjoyed my copycat Starbucks drink recipe, let me know in the comments if you have ever tried this drink from Starbucks, and if not, what is your favorite drink!?

It’s a beautiful day to drink some tea!





Best Drugstore Makeup


Hi friends!

Today I am sharing with you my all time favorite drug store makeup! I’m what you might call a makeup junkie, so I have tried a ton of different products. A lot of the makeup that I have tested out is drugstore, mostly because I was a broke college student with an addiction to makeup for the last 4 years of my life. Now I’ve graduated and I can’t call myself a broke college student, I’m just broke lol (yay student loans). Don’t get me wrong I still dabble in the high end makeup every now and then, but I think drugstore makeup will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s so much fun to find amazing products that are a fraction of the price of some items I buy at Sephora and Ulta. To be honest, I have multiple drugstore “dupes” I actually like MORE than the high end version. It’s so exciting when you find those amazing drugstore dupes, and today I want to share some of my favorites with you!

I tried to pick out one item for every step I use in my every day makeup routine. For some of you, this might be way too much makeup, and that’s okay. That’s why makeup is so much fun, because you can wear as much or as little as you want.

The first step in my every day makeup routine is primer. My absolute favorite drugstore primer is the Prime Shield from Milani. Now, the primer I chose to share with you guys is best used on oily/normal skin. I’m not sure if this primer would work well for you if you have dry skin.. I love to apply this primer where I get the most oily throughout the day, which is my my T zone (basically the center of my face). My nose is the most oily part of my face, so I really make sure to press it into those pores. This primer really helps me keep my oil production to a minimum throughout the day, and it fills in my pores so nicely to give me smooth looking skin.

The high end product I would compare this to would be the Smashbox pore minimizing primer. I honestly do not see a difference between the two, so why not pay less than half of the price for this Milani one!?

This milani primer costs about $9 and I’ve linked it right here for you guys! ( I will link all of the products I talk about today)


The next product I would apply would be foundation. I have so many favorite drugstore foundations that I am actually planning on doing a post on my top 5 must haves. I would have to say that my number one favorite drugstore foundation is the L’Oréal Pro Glow Foundation. Now I know I just told you I have oily skin, so you might be thinking, how in the world does this foundation work for her!? I love this foundation so much because it makes your skin look so healthy and natural. It is definitely not full coverage, which is usually not what I go for (I am totally a full coverage kind of girl), but I just can’t get over how beautiful this makes my skin look! I will say I can not wear this foundation all day long without having to touch up my t zone with powder, but that truly doesn’t bother me at all. I find myself having to blot with high end matte foundations anyways! BUT if you definitely do not want medium coverage and you are all about that full coverage glam, go for this products sister, L’Oreal pro matte, another favorite of mine!

The L’Oreal Pro Glow Foundation costs around $11. I’m telling you guys, you NEED this foundation!


Alright guys, lets talk about concealer. When it comes to concealer, I 100% need it to be full coverage. I have the worst dark circles under my eyes, so full coverage is a MUST!! When it comes to the drugstore, I have found that Maybelline has the best concealers on the market. I have a few from them that I love, but my absolute favorite is the Master Conceal. I love to use this on full glam days, and my “no makeup” makeup days. This concealer covers up my blemishes and dark circles with no issues. I also do not have a problem with it creasing when set down with a powder, which is a huge plus.

The Maybelline Master Conceal is on sale for only $6.29 if you purchase it through this link! That’s an amazing deal!


Once I have my foundation and concealer on, I set it down right away with my favorite loose powder from Coty, AirSpun. I use the shade “translucent extra coverage”.


I remember always hearing beauty influencers on YouTube raving about this product, but I never got around to trying it. One day me and my best friend were are Walgreens and they had this on clearance, so I decided to give it a whirl. Oh my gosh am I so happy I did, because now it is literally my favorite loose powder EVER! The only other powder that I might love just as must is the Laura Mercier translucent setting powder. But that one costs almost $50, so I have to pick this one because it is literally so good and only cost around $10-12 for one container. I do have to warn you, if you are sensitive to fragrance in your makeup products, you will not like this powder. It honestly smells like my great grandmas perfume, but I don’t think that the smell lingers, so I’m totally okay with it. So here’s your warning that it has a very strong scent.

Here’s the link to a three pack, that’s the only one I could find that is the exact shade I use. Keep one for yourself, and give the other two away as presents for the makeup gurus in your life!


When I’m all done setting down my foundation and concealer with loose powder, I start to add some color back into my face. I always start with bronzer. Bronzer is one of my favorite products because it really can transform your face. My all time favorite drugstore bronzer is from Physician’s Formula, and it is called the Butter Bronzer.


I use the shade “bronzer”. I always tell my friends who have fair skin like me to just go ahead and buy this shade, and to skip the shade below it, because it honestly isn’t a deep bronzer at all. I found that with the lightest shade, I was having to build it up a lot to be able to notice it on my skin. So even if you are fair skinned, I say go with the “dark” shade called “bronzer”. This bronzer smells like a tropical dream and it blends so seamlessly!

The Physician’s Formula Butter Bronzer costs around $12-$15


Next is my absolute favorite step, blush! I have always been obsessed with blush, I admit I can go a bit overboard with it sometimes. I just love the pretty flush if gives to your skin. In my opinion, no look is complete without a pop of blush on the cheeks. My all time favorite blush, whether high end OR drug store, is from Wet n Wild, and it is in the shade “Apri-Cot the Middle”.


As you can see the packaging of this blush has seen better days. I use this probably 8/10 that I do my makeup, I’m not even kidding! It gives the prettiest peachy glowy to your cheeks.

The Wet n Wild color icon blush in “Apri-Cot in the Middle” costs around $3-6, such a crazy good price!


Once I’ve got my blush on, I apply my highlight. One of my favorite drugstore highlights comes from Maybelline and is in the shade “100 Molten Gold”.


If I had to compare this to a high end highlight, I would say it is very similar to Becca Cosmetics x Jaclyn Hill’s  “Champagne Pop”. It has a really pretty peachy gold sheen that looks amazing on all skin tones. I like that it doesn’t look glittery like some drugstore highlights do. I hate when a highlight looks chunky and glittery on my face, I want it to be smooth and almost look wet when the sun hits my face. When it comes to drugstore highlights, I actually struggle to find amazing and high quality shades that compare to high end. But this highlight puts even some of my expensive high lights to shame. I highly recommend you pick this guy up!!

The Maybelline Master Chrome highlight in the shade “100 Molten Gold” is around $12.


I have two more products to share with you guys, and that is my favorite eyebrow pencil, and mascara. When it comes to eyebrow pencils, I will always buy them from the drugstore. I used to always buy the Anastasia Beverly Hills brow pencils until I gave the NYX brow pencils a try, and guys, they are literally the same thing. I honestly do not see the difference. My favorite brow pencil from NYX is the Precision Brow Pencil in the shade “Taupe”. My favorite thing about this pencil is the shape of it. It makes doing my brows sooo much quicker than with a pomade, or with a skinnier pencil like the micro brow.


I really have nothing bad to say about this pencil. It gets the job done and is such a reasonable price coming in at around $10!


When it comes to lip products at the drugstore, I have sooo many favorites! There are so many good lip products for reasonable prices. I definitely want to do a post about my favorite drugstore lip products, because it’s really hard to just pick one. Especially when I love all kinds of lip products, lipsticks, glosses, liquid lips, you name it, I’m a fan. I decided to go with an all time favorite formula of mine from Maybelline, the matte sensation lipsticks.


Oh my gosh guys, if you have never tried these, you need to!! They are so creamy, long lasting, and pigmented, I can’t get enough. I own almost every color in this formula because they are so incredible. If I had to pick my favorite shade, it would be “Darlingly Nude”.

These lipsticks usually range from $7-10. A lot of times I will pick mine up at Ulta when they are having the buy one get one half off sales!

Last, but not least, mascara. L’Oreal has my favorite mascaras at the drugstore. If I had to chose one to be my favorite, it would definitely be the Telescopic Mascara in the shade “Carbon Black”. I love the small rubber wand on this mascara. It really gets into every hair of your lashes and makes them sooo black and so long and volumized. When ever someone asks for a mascara recommendation, I always tell them to buy one from the drugstore. I don’t think you need to spend $25 on a high end mascara when there are so many good options at the drugstore for less than half of the price!

For example the L’Oreal Telescopic Mascara is only around $10!


So there you have it guys, these are in my opinion the BEST makeup products you can get at the drugstore. Let me know in the comments if you have tried out any of these products, or if you have any recommendations for me to try out if I haven’t already!

It’s a beautiful day to try out some new products!





The Story Behind My Blog Name


Hi friends!

For today’s post, I want to explain to you why I chose my blog name. This is something I actually have put a lot of thought into over the past few months. I’ve never been creative with words so this was really challenging for me.

Where do I start… For those of you who know me, you know that I have a YouTube channel, and what some might call an “instagram blog”, with hopes of starting up an actual blog in the near future. I knew I loved social media, especially YouTube, so I decided to start my own channel almost one year ago (I can’t believe it’s already been one year). When I started that channel, I had no idea what I wanted my name to be, but I couldn’t let that stop me from starting a channel. If I waited for what I considered the perfect name, I honestly never would have posted my first video. So I chose a temporary name, nattyupnorth, and started posting.

The more I started uploading videos, the more I realized how much fun I was having being so active on social media. I started to obsess over posting good content, which led me to the idea of starting a new instagram account. Of course I already had an instagram, but that was dedicated to my personal life, and I wanted a fresh start, you know, with those perfect instagram blogger vibes. I had always wanted to start a blog, but never followed through. I told myself that if I was having fun creating content for my new instagram, I would finally design a blog.

So of course when I started my instagram blog, I was back to thinking about what I wanted to call myself. I knew I didn’t want to include my actual name into the title. The simple reason being that I loved cute blog names that had a feminine ring to it, and I could not think of a catchy one that included “Natalee”. But like I said, I have never been good with words (yet here I am writing my second blog post lol). So yes, I know I am not a good writer, I have never claimed to be. I do not have an exquisite vocabulary and my puncuation is probably a nightmare. Sometimes it’s hard for me to make a story flow, I basically have a scatter brain. All I know is that I want to create amazing content and share it with the world.

Anyways (I warned you about my scatterbrain) I played around with a few names and finally settled with Beautiful Day to Be. It literally took me 2-3 months to think of that name! But I knew I had to wait until a name felt right, and for some reason this one finally did. I love my name because you can end it with whatever you want… It’s a beautiful day to be yourself, to be loved, to be fearless, to be happy, to be a woman, to be ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE! This name could not be more perfect for myself. I have always felt like I never fit under one category. There are so many different sides to me, I am constantly growing and learning to love myself. So although I plan to post about so many different and random things.. I hope that my name can always remind you to explore all of the crazy, beautiful, and different sides of yourself.

It’s a beautiful day to start a blog!!




Meet Natalee

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Hi friends!

My name is Natalee, I’m 23 years old and from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I would like to think I have a very creative mind, but don’t always know how to channel that creativeness to share with the world. I’m interested in so many things that sometimes I just can’t decide what to put my creative energy into. So I figure with a lifestyle blog, I can share whatever my mind feels like digging into. Some of my favorite things include makeup, fashion, cooking, and home decor. But really, the list could go on and on of things I enjoy. With that being said, I hope you are ready for plenty of randomness from this girl. Oh and I also hope you like dogs because, I’m pretty obsessed with mine and plan to share them with you all.

You can contact me through email at, or on Instagram @beautifuldaytobe.

It’s a beautiful day to be alive!





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